It's that
Currently time again...ya know, the one that Farley from
Oh' Boy 4th Grade hosts...which means that my summer vacation is quickly coming to an end...sigh with me here...
Check out Farley's post to read about her
rules for linking up...
And here's a couple of my back-to-school
must haves...
Well, you know how I
love books...and since Kohl's has the Skippyjon Jones series out
currently, I could not resist. So, although I set out to get these...
Skippyjon Jones,
Skippyjon Jones Class Action,
Skippyjon Jones in the Dog House,
Skippyjon Jones Lost in Spice, and a Skippyjon Jones plush...
I also ended up with these...
and these...
AND these...
I would have l-o-v-e-d to get these...
In the words of Skippyjon Jones, "Holy jalapeño," I know!
So, to ease my guilt, I went to, really redemption is coming...and I bought another one of these:
What is it? Although it looks like a regular name tag, it is actually a giant magnetic dry erase board...this baby measures approximately 8 1/2" tall X 15" wide and comes with a magnetic dry erase pen, too!
So, I know what you're thinking...yes, well, now I have two...but ONE is for YOU! Now, I wish I could be like Oprah and say, "one for you" and "one for you" and "one for you,", BUT alas, I am a teacher just like I have ONE to give away to ONE lucky YOU...
All you have to do is follow my blog, like my
fan page, and leave me a comment telling me how you would use it in your classroom...don't forget to leave your email address so that I can contact you if you win...
The winner will be selected using a random number generator. *I can only ship within the U.S.*
Good luck! The contest ends on Tuesday, August 7th at 10:00 p.m.