Well, if the weather in your city has been anything like the weather in my area, then staying inside and
attempting to keep warm has been a frequent occurrence. This can lead to house-cleaning (blah), blog-stalking, or Pinterest-ogling.
Or, in my case, finally getting to
create a project that has been sitting in another room, just waiting for a rainy day...or cold weather...or both.
I saw this idea many moons ago from
here, and knew I had to have this in my classroom. I already had the red and black milk crates, so I purchased a large piece of wood (I used the other part of the wood for another project), along with the red and black fabric totes at Lowe's. I bought the red and black fabric at Jo-Ann's along with foam (for cushion) and some clear vinyl...in case of spills...or accidents...I teach first grade after all. So, here's what I started with:
Over the years I've learned that I'm a visual learner, so I need to see, touch, and feel how things work. Since I had to figure out (mostly) on my own how to attach the pieces together while keeping it looking "pretty," I thought I'd share my step-by-steps with you.
I placed the wood on top for easy measuring and cutting of the foam.
Then, I placed the wood on top of the crates to align places where holes could be drilled so that it could be attached without showing through the fabric...in other words, so it could stay pretty.
After I put zip-ties through the holes, I stapled the fabric and vinyl around the foam and wood (I don't know how I didn't get a picture of that), and attached it to the crates by tightening the zip-ties.
And, voila! I turned it up right-side up, added the drawers, and looked in admiration at my completed project.
I love the storage possibilities that the totes will provide.
Since my kiddos will use it as a bench seat during small group instruction, I'll probably keep their materials in the totes for easy access.

Here are a couple of my girls using it for the Read-to-Self rotation during The Daily Five. They love it!
What's even better, is that I used some of the leftover fabric to give a favorite independent/ partner reading stool a much needed face lift.
My kiddos (almost) fight over it!
During the last two staff developments I have attended, both presenters started with asking for attendees to share their celebrations...whether it was professional or personal. So, I am sharing mine with you.
Here's my daughter and me after I RAN my
very first 5K. I was on cloud nine for days...I think I even dug out the cute running shirt out of my clothes hamper a couple of times just to make sure I didn't dream it all up!
And, as they always say, if you can't beat 'em, then join 'em...so, it seemed fitting to go to the season opener of the Dallas Stars versus the Phoenix Coyotes game...we defeated them 4-3. Woo-hoo!!
I'd love to hear how you are surviving the cold season...I guess we'll have to see what ol' Punxsutawney Phil has to say about winter on Saturday!